Friday, July 22, 2011

On My Mind...

Friday, July 22, 2011

This is my first time participating in the Friday 'On My Mind', started by Rhonda at Down to Earth.In the box is wool I have carded. On my mind today is my spinning. I now have three babies to knit for and I need to get busy! I am getting raw lamb and alpaca fleeces, carded them, spinning and then knit them into heirloom baby outfits. This weekend I need to finish spinning the wool and then the alpaca fibres, ply them together, wrap into skeins, set the skeins and let dry, wrap into balls and then I can start knitting.Sounds like hard work, but it is so satisfying to know that I can take a raw fleece and make it into something beautiful and usef...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Traditional Surrogate needed for fairy tale ending

Thursday, July 14, 2011

This is a post I wrote on Bubhub last year when we were dipping our toes into the surrogacy journey. We are now going forth full steam ahead! Hope you enjoy the short story. Cheers!PaulaIPs looking for an Aussie TS-------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time, on an island called, The Apple Isle, in The Lucky Country, lived a King and Queen. Queen Paula came all the way from The Land of the Free, to marry her handsome King, David.King David and Queen Paula have lived blissfully in a wonderful and loving marriage for over twelve years. It was a perfect match from the beginning, like two soul mates meeting back up with each other after a long journey apart.During their marriage, they have started a 'fur family'; the first was Lexi, a Ragdoll cat,...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Journey to find a Traditional Surrogate

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My biological clock is ticking loudly lately. We are unable to have children due to cervical cancer claiming my uterus and one ovary. Over the years we have dipped our toes into surrogacy with no real commitment, just curiosity. Now, we have dived right in as we are not getting any younger and if we are going to do this, we need to start now as it is a long journey.We are looking for a traditional surrogate, which means we will use her eggs, Docs sperm and she will carry the baby. We will also do self AI, artificial insemination. (Well, we'll provide the sperm and the syringe, the surrogate will then inseminate herself, in private). We do not want to use an agency, clinic or consultant, we want to do all of this on our own. This is called going "Indy", short for independent. We also are wanting...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I'm back!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My apologies for being away so long. I started full time uni at UNE via distance and it has kept me very busy. I am loving every minute of it though! Right now we are on break, between first and semester break. So, I have been busy with our simple life. Doc (hubby) and I have been busy with all kinds of experiments. Here in Tasmania it is winter and Doc has made a little inside veggie and herb garden, in our enclosed front porch. It faces north, has plenty of windows, therefore, getting a lot of sunlight. So far, the potatoes are going strong! Everything else: tomatoes, lettuce, onions and various herbs are growing slowly. But, it's working!I have finally got the nag of spinning using my spinning wheel. I did it by using a drop spindle first,...

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